The Church: Towards a Common Vision (below) is a doctrinal statement on the nature and mission of the church. It embodies the input of church leaders and theologians representing Orthodox, Anglican, Protestant, Evangelical, Pentecostal and Roman Catholic churches worldwide. In the course of many years of patient dialogue, they explored the question of what Christians can say together about the church. They were motivated by the belief that a common understanding of the church can contribute to the removal of the barriers that still prevent us from presenting a united witness to the world about the power of the gospel to reconcile all humankind to God and each one to another. They were inspired by the hope that one day we can all stand together to profess the "one holy, catholic, and apostolic church," as articulated in our ancient creed.
We at CUSP celebrate the positive response given to the statement by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, the official arm of the Catholic Church dedicated to the cause of ecumenism. It encourages us in our commitment to the planning and organizing of public prayer events to bring together Protestants and Catholics in the greater Holland area.
We at CUSP celebrate the positive response given to the statement by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, the official arm of the Catholic Church dedicated to the cause of ecumenism. It encourages us in our commitment to the planning and organizing of public prayer events to bring together Protestants and Catholics in the greater Holland area.
Below are additional documents and reflections on Christian unity.