CUSP Mission Statement
In the crucified and risen Christ we are reconciled to God and to one another. This is at the heart of the Christian message to which the Church is called to give witness in the world. Deep and painful divisions among its members today, however, obscure this message and therefore compromise its witness.
Out of a shared commitment to overcome these divisions, Christians Uniting in Song and Prayer (CUSP)™ was formed. Located in the Holland community, we are a fellowship of Protestants and Catholics convinced that Christians joining in public assembly to sing and pray together can help to restore and promote our unity. Our conviction is rooted in the acknowledgment that Christian unity is both gift and task.
In celebrating together our common faith, we recover a vision of the inestimable gift that God has granted to us in Christ. Renewed thereby in our appreciation of this gift, we go out energized to take up the difficult task of reconciling with fellow Christians whose differences keep us separated.
Out of a shared commitment to overcome these divisions, Christians Uniting in Song and Prayer (CUSP)™ was formed. Located in the Holland community, we are a fellowship of Protestants and Catholics convinced that Christians joining in public assembly to sing and pray together can help to restore and promote our unity. Our conviction is rooted in the acknowledgment that Christian unity is both gift and task.
In celebrating together our common faith, we recover a vision of the inestimable gift that God has granted to us in Christ. Renewed thereby in our appreciation of this gift, we go out energized to take up the difficult task of reconciling with fellow Christians whose differences keep us separated.
Theological basis
For more information about the theological basis for our efforts, see this report of a recent ecumenical conference that reflects and reaffirms the desire among the Anglican, Methodist, Lutheran, Reformed, and Catholic churches to work together to promote the gospel and move towards deeper unity on the basis of the shared agreement on the doctrine of justification as embodied in the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification by Faith (JDDJ).
Photo from the community-wide worship service on October 29, 2017, the final event in the Reformation 500 commemoration
SOME HISTORY: The Transition from Reformation 500 Holland to CUSP
CUSP was formed in the wake of Holland’s October 2017 commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. A month-long series of events that marked this momentous event in the history of Christianity culminated in a community-wide worship service at Christ Memorial Church.
The rich experience of worshipping together with fellow Christians separated by the institutional divide that opened up between Catholic and Protestant in the sixteenth century left a profound impression on many—leading to a consensus that “Reformation 500 Holland” should go forward, building on the momentum generated by what we experienced together in 2017.
On October 31, 2017 (Reformation Day), the committee that organized the Reformation 500 Holland events convened a meeting of area pastors and congregational leaders to explore future possibilities for promoting Christian unity beyond the REFO 500 events. After reflection and lively discussion, a consensus emerged that Reformation 500 Holland should go forward, building on the momentum generated by what we experienced together in 2017. While the nurturing of unity can take on many forms, we ultimately discerned a call to make worship our primary focus. Further discussion resulted in a new name, Christians Uniting in Song and Prayer (CUSP)™, and the above mission statement.
CUSP Membership
CUSP board meets regularly to organize and carry out our events. The board members are:
- Mr. Robert Batastini, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church(CUSP music director)
- Rev. Dr. Christopher Dorn, First Presbyterian Church, Ionia
- Rev. Jonathan Gabhart, Pillar Church
- Rev. Dr. Gerrit Haagsma, retired CRCNA pastor
- Rev. Marvin Hofman, retired CRCNA pastor
- Mr. Calvin Hoogstra, Graafschap Christian Reformed Church (CUSP secretary and treasurer)
- Dr. Mary Johnson, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church (CUSP chair)
- Rev. Kory Plockmeyer, Movement West Michigan
- Mrs. Angela Wagenveld, Pillar Church
Contact CUSP
- Email: [email protected]
- Postal mail: 129 East 33rd Street • Holland, Michigan 49423
- Website:
- Facebook:
- YouTube: